Chemical Training

The penalty for not complying with a safe system of handling, storing, transporting chemicals can result in extensive penalties from Work Health and Safety legislation.

Chemical burns and injuries can have life threatening consequences that can easily lead to industrial manslaughter charges and gaol time if your business does not implement adequate systems and training.

However, did you know that you can also be fine extensively if you breach the Environmental Protection act?

Warringa Golf Club was fined and incurred costs of $600,000 when the manager negligently released pesticide into a drain that led to a waterway that created a major ecological disaster. The manager was convicted and had to do 250 ask community services and personally pay $50,000 toward costs, plus his own personal legal fees.

As a manager, it is essential to understand how chemicals should be handled, stored, and transported correctly. Not only will this ensure team compliance, but it will also help you create a safer working environment for your employees. To achieve this, you need to have a solid understanding of the necessary requirements and knowledge of chemical handling and spill management for managers and team leaders.


As a manager, it is essential to understand how chemicals should be handled, stored, and transported correctly. Not only will this ensure team compliance, but it will also help you create a safer working environment for your employees. To achieve this, you need to have a solid understanding of the necessary requirements and knowledge of chemical handling and spill management for managers and team leaders.

Managing a swimming pool requires many tasks to ensure the safety of swimmers and maintain the pool's quality. As an owner or operator of a public pool, it is important to take into account the pool's design, maintenance, operations, and safety procedures. Proper pool management includes handling chemicals, implementing spill management systems, and providing safe and clean facilities for swimmers. That is why taking an online course on managing pool chemicals and implementing spill management systems is essential.