
Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a destination. Each step in the journey develops your skills, knowledge, and the performance of your business.  Many people start a business without really considering what is involved.  Are you suited to being an Entrepreneur?  Have you got what it takes? Our Courses on entrepreneurship will take you to the 'treasure', but first, you have to determine how to navigate the 'treacherous waters' of business!

Learn what it takes to be a SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneur!

This course allows you to discover the foundations of entrepreneurship. You will understand what it's all about and what does it take to be successful in it.   This course is a "taster" for your aspiration to be an entrepreneur before you dive into the deep end. At the completion, you will be able to determine if entrepreneurship is right for you.

A brilliant business idea may look great on paper, but it's not always that easy to bring it to life. Many people shy away from starting a business because of the fear of going broke. This fear is not entirely unfounded. Starting a business can be an expensive endeavor. However, with the right mindset, tools, and resources, you can bring your business idea to fruition without breaking the bank. In this course, we will show you how to turn your ideas into business opportunities without going broke.


Are you looking to start a business venture but not sure which direction to go in? Consider becoming a facilitator. As a facilitator, you can help organizations, groups, and individuals come up with ideas and effective solutions to their problems. By honing your skills in this area and learning how to be a successful facilitator, you can create a thriving business.