Primary School Lesson Plan—Why the Emu Cannot Fly
Primary Teachers

Whenever we talk about emotions, we tend to overlook two feelings that are often overlooked or even looked down upon: pride and jealousy. But in reality, these emotions are as normal as any other feeling we experience. While pride can be a motivator and a catalyst for self-improvement, it can also turn toxic if taken too far. Similarly, jealousy can lead to healthy competition, but if it becomes all-consuming, it can ruin our lives. Children should learn emotional literacy and how to handle pride and jealousy. In this course, we will explore the importance of understanding these two emotions and how to manage them in a healthy way.


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Donna Hensen

International award-winning Australian Aboriginal artist, educator, and teacher. 


On behalf of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child sexual abuse, Donna spent several years interviewing Aboriginal abuse victims in indigenous communities. As a trauma counsellor and community liaison, Donna supported many clients through this difficult process.


Donna has been teaching the latest counselling techniques to clients such as Gestalt Therapy Australia’s upcoming year three students, University Queensland Psychology students, and many more, bringing a modern approach to counselling that reduces stress and anxiety within clients.


Donna is a Wailwan/Wiradjuri woman from outback NSW. Donna is from the stolen generation, and she wanted to create training resources to educate mainstream Australians (without blame, guilt, or anger) about Aboriginal people and to bring Indigenous wisdom to the counselling field.