Manual Handling Training to Prevent Office Injuries
As many workers spend their days confined to office work, it’s easy to assume that the risks of workplace injuries are minimal. However, injuries caused by these jobs, such as back pain and muscle strains, can be just as severe as those caused by heavy manual labor. That is why it is essential to prioritize the proper handling of items within the office environment as well. Manual handling training can help workers prevent injuries and ensure that they can perform their work safely.
“I spent forty plus years training people how to do Manual Handling in various countries, in many environments, in numerous different places. While in the wilds of Papua New Guinea I helped hundreds of people unloading shipping containers manually then decanting them into boxes suitable for small aircraft transport with efficiency and safety".
Here in Australia I have run courses for both heavy vehicle drivers, warehouse supervisors and bus drivers. The goal being to minimise injury to staff and to also mitigate Workcover claims. These courses include Manual Handling of numerous types of heavy objects including people (though there is a separate course on manual handling people).