Introduction to the Alexander Technique for Back and Neck Pain Management
Personal Health

So, imagine if there was a totally different, totally new approach to movement, psoture and activity.  The new approach improved your performance, made tasks easier and at the same time reduced your aches and pains. Wouldn't that be amazing? Yes, it is.  It is called the Alexander Technique.


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Michael Shellshear

Work Health and Safety Practioner and Senior Consultant with National Safety Council of Australia

Michael Shellshear has more than twenty years experience in Work Health and Safety as a practitioner, consultant and trainer. As a Senior Consultant with the National Safety Council of Australia, he advised many of Australia’s top companies on their duty of care obligations. As well as going into companies and providing specific advice, he has also spoken at numerous WHS events.

Working in-house at Unilever Australia and then at the University of Western Sydney, Michael provided a framework of management that included developing tenders, consulting with contractors, auditing and developing inductions specific to the needs of each company.

Michael worked with RAAF to provide WHS legislation and risk management training. Since that time Michael has trained in the Diploma of WHS, Certificate IV in WHS and the White Card for the Construction Industry. He holds a Diploma in Vocational Education and Training; Advanced Diploma of WHS; Diploma of WHS and Cert IV in WHS. Michael is approved by Safework NSW to deliver the HSR Course in NSW. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Health and Safety.

Alexander Technique Practitioner

Lessons with me give you the opportunity to address issues such as back or neck pain. Practical instruction and a clear direction can help you to manage your issues quickly and effectively.


I use a combination of movement experience, movement activities and guided movement on a table to help you quickly learn the skills that you need to manage.


I use Alexander Technique skills every day in my own life to stay well and healthy as I move through middle life. The Technique allows me to walk long distances, to be flexible, to take on tasks without discomfort. Deepening my awareness of Alexander’s discoveries and working with clients like your self gives me a great basis for teaching.