Leadership Training

Leaders are not born, they are made!

Most companies understand the value of having strong leadership at the top. But what about having strong leadership skills throughout the organization? That is where a variety of leadership training courses comes in. Leadership training can help differentiate and set the boundary between management and leadership skills, allowing supervisors, managers, and leaders to use their strengths in each area to help grow the business.

What is the difference between management and leadership?

It is a question that often gets asked but is difficult to answer. At its core, management is focused on tasks and goals, while leadership is focused on inspiring people to strive for excellence. Managers are responsible for keeping operations running smoothly while leaders are inspired by a vision of how things could be better; they take risks and create opportunities for innovation.

Different types of leadership training helps bridge this gap by teaching managers how to use their unique skills as leaders as well as managers. It allows supervisors to learn how to motivate employees through positive reinforcement rather than relying on traditional forms of discipline or punishment. Additionally, it gives them strategies for building consensus among team members and promoting collaboration rather than competition within their departments or teams. Finally, it allows them to develop their own personal style of leading that incorporates both their management skills and their leadership capabilities into an effective approach that works best for them.

Change is constant in any organisation, whether it’s big or small, for-profit or nonprofit. However, not all organisations are equipped to handle it, and that’s where change management comes in. Change is a process, and it requires a systematic approach to ensure that it’s successful. In this course, we will provide you with eight tactics for building a change management capability in your organisation. 

This valuable program is designed to help you become a better coach, manager, and motivator. Your role as a coach is crucial and delicate – you have to set expectations for performance, yet work with each employee as an individual to nurture growth, development and achievement. We want to help you understand the nuances and equip you with state-of-the-art coaching skills. One of your most difficult jobs as a manager is to coach up your workforce and bring out the best in everyone you manage – to help foster theirs and your success. Managers who learn how to successfully do this have longer and stronger careers than those who cannot or will not expand their coaching skills. The lessons and techniques described in this program can help you improve your interactions with your employees and improve your management approach to help distinguish your organization from the competition.

Creating goals is an important step towards achieving success, but too often, our goals don’t align with our values, which can lead to frustration and a lack of fulfillment. In order to truly succeed, we need to take the time to identify our core values and create goals that resonate with them. By doing this, we can create a roadmap for our lives that not only leads to success, but also to a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose.

Delegation is one of the most important skills that a manager or a business owner can possess. It enables you to maximize the productivity and efficiency of your team, while also freeing up your own time to pursue other important projects. Unfortunately, many people don't know how to delegate effectively, which can lead to frustration, delays, and even failure. That's why we've created an online course called Effective Delegation for Workplace Success.

Every successful business knows the importance of a strong and dedicated team. Building a dream team can empower your business and increase overall productivity, but it's easier said than done. With our online course, 'How to Build Your Dream Team for Your Business,' we help you create the perfect team that works well together, without added stress. This comprehensive course covers everything from hiring the right candidates to enhancing team dynamics and communication. So let's get started!

As a manager, your role is not only to delegate tasks but also to encourage and motivate your team. Hence, it is essential to give feedback regularly. Many managers feel comfortable giving a performance review, but they tend to limit feedback to once a year. Feedback is a powerful way to help your team members grow and perform better at work. 

In today's fast-paced business environment, company owners and executives are always on the lookout for ways to increase profitability. This has led them to explore various ways of achieving this, ranging from increasing sales figures to cutting operational costs. However, one method that has proven effective over time is investing in people, profits and connections. In this course, we will discuss how a business can achieve this to achieve an increase in its profit margin.


Every business owner knows that their employees are their most valuable asset. Without them, a company can never achieve long-term success. And when your employees are inspired, motivated, and engaged, they can do great things. However, many managers struggle with creating an environment that fosters employee growth and development. That is why we have created an online course that shows you how to inspire your employees to succeed and move up.

Managing change in business is among the most challenging responsibilities of management. Every organization must adapt to significant changes like technology advancement, economic trends, market dynamics, and consumer behavior. Change always triggers resistance, which can lead to frustration and even failure. Therefore, mastering change management is a crucial skill for every business leader, entrepreneur, and manager. Our online course, How to Manage Change in Business for Smooth Transitions, offers practical strategies and models to help you navigate complex organizational transitions successfully.

Dealing with difficult people is not easy. Whether it's in the workplace, within the family, or in social situations, certain individuals can be challenging, and communicating with them can require extra care and attention. It can be frustrating to deal with difficult people, but there's good news: It doesn't have to be as difficult as you think! 

Bias is a topic that we all need to pay attention to in our daily lives. It comes in many forms and it affects the way we think, behave, and make decisions. When it comes to workplace performance, bias can have a detrimental effect on our ability to perform at our best. That is why recognizing and overcoming bias is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in their chosen profession. 

Leadership is often associated with power, and the effective use of power is an essential skill for any leader. Defined by influence, power can be used to drive change, motivate employees, and achieve organizational goals. However, it is often difficult for leaders to navigate the nuances of power dynamics both within and outside of their organizations. This is why we have developed an online course, The Effective Use of Power as a Leader, to help you understand and harness the power of leadership. 

The transition from being a team player to a new supervisor can be challenging and overwhelming. You will now be responsible for leading, guiding and managing a group of people instead of being a member of that team. It's normal to feel unsure or stressed during this change. However, with the right mindset, approach, and communication, you can effectively make the transition and gain respect from your colleagues without alienating them. In this course, we will dive into some of the tips to help you navigate this transition successfully.

“The People and Profits Connection” is the single largest productivity gains you’ve been seeking. Since the early 2,000’s Gallup’s yearly Employee Engagement surveys have shown that on average only 30% of employees are engaged.  To bring that into perspective, with 60% of the world population (Total 2021 7.6B) that means that of the 5 billion, 3.6 billion are disengaged.  It is time for us all to look for different and unique ways to engage more people.

With this in mind, the free course, The People Profits Connection ~ How to easily motivate your employees and increase profits.